Inspiring Quotes

Here are some of our favorite inspirational quotes with photos from our travels. The quotes enhance the photos and the photos give the quotes visual life. A perfect pair. Get inspired every Sunday with a new Weekend Wisdom. All graphics made by us.

If you have an inspirational quote that has inspired you in your life, share it with us in the comments below!


21 responses to “Inspiring Quotes

  1. Great pictures! Great Mission! Great Vision! I hope that someday you can visit Guatemala! Congratulations for your work in Nicaragua!

  2. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” -Kelly Clarkson and “Nothing is a mistake if you learn from it, it is simply a learning experience that made you the person you are today” -Myself

  3. wow! there are so many here! I’m going to have to come back and peruse them a little more. I too have a favorite quotes page and perhaps some of mine overlap with some of yours and it’s hard to choose one favorite. so here are two that I like and fit well with your blog:

    You must do the thing you think you cannot do. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

    I am always doing things I can’t do; that’s how I get to do them. (Pablo Picasso

  4. Your site is inspiring and encouraging! I have shared with my friends because your message is refreshing! Thank you for being a source of empowerment. Keep posting! #BInspired2inspire

  5. totally cool. i shared your stuff on my Facebook. please befriend me. and feel free to use any of the stuff from my blog or FB. 🙂 you are awesome. thanks for doing all the things you do! 😎

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